Eco-Friendly Products

Product choices

Products can cause harm to ourselves and our environment. Government regulations don't always provide enough protection (it's a big job!) and producers don't always have eco-friendlieness as a top priority. 

We continuously make choices about the products we use. It's not easy to consider the eco-friendliness of all the choices. But by your own raising awareness of value of making eco-friendly choices and some options to help, you will be able to reduce risk to yourself and the environment.

Some aspects of eco-friendly choices are covered on other parts of (e.g. Transportation and Zero-Waste), but this page covers other products.

A few things that help you assess the eco-friendliness of products are: are they B-corporations (certified commitment to social and environmental responsibility)? what do the ingredients report (note that not all ingredients need to be reported)?,  what does their website say? what do independent reviewers and testing labs report? Avoid falling in the greenwashing trap, where advertising misleads consumers into thinking a product or company is eco-friendly when it isn't.

Note - this page is currently being developed and will have more information over time

About PFAS

Nearly everyone in Hopkinton is aware of PFAS and the levels in the town water supply that are of concern to our health.

Reducing PFAS risks

There is more to PFAS than the town water supply.

PFAS in Products

PFAS and toxins in town lands and waters - what we can do

The Hopkinton Sustainable Green Committee is looking into the following potential town actions that might involve the application of products containing PFAS:

Harmful pesticides and herbicides

The Hopkinton Sustainble Green Committee has endorsed the bill sponsored by MA Rep. Jim McGovern, “Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act” (PACTPA)" U.S. House H.R. 5085.

Plastics - avoid whenever possible

Plastics are a major environmental threat, directly harming wildlife that inadvertently consume bottle caps or plastic bags, having an impact on human health when urned in incinerators, based on oil - the manufacturing and transportation of which increase greenhouse gas emissions, and the microplastics that get into our bloodstreams and may cause immune system issues and heart disease. Use a reusable bottle, preferably one not made of plastic and hang on to it. Refuse plastic cutlery and use your own. Buy laundry detergent and other products in non-plastic jugs and packaging.