Your Participation
Get Involved
Kathy Yang, once a member of the Sustainable Green Committee, describes how and why she became involved - play the video
If you are interested in joining the Sustainable Green Committee, see more information on the Committee page.
Use this website
Our aim is to provide relevant and local information to help you be more sustainable - usually these are links to the sources that maintain the content because we don't need to repeat their info
Join our mailing list
Join our mailing list by sending a request to to receive an email about once a month with:
Hopkinton-specific sustainability information
Notice of upcoming relevant events like our booths at Hop101, energy fairs, etc.
Volunteer opportunities like our green up day, placing yard signs, staffing event booths, and more
General sustainability information and tips
Follow us on social media
Follow us:
Facebook page, HopGreenMA, has timely information and announcements. You DO NOT need a Facebook account to view the postings, though you do need one to comment.
Instagram account, HopGreenMA, has the same info as our Facebook page
Post your own tips and questions and read other input from the community by joining the Sustainable Hopkinton Facebook group. You do need a Facebook account to join.
Reach out
Talk about this topic with as many people as you know
Share our posts and emails with your friends and social media groups
Invite your family and organizations you are part of to join us at events and to volunteer
Send us your questions, tips, and requests
We welcome your input - send it to
For matters related directly to the committee and its function in the town, use