Food, Land, Water

Taking care of our environment keeps us as well as plants and other animals healthier, and preserves the natural beauty

U.S. Representative Jim McGovern visits with Farmer Laura Davis in August 2023 at Hopkinton's Long Life Organic Farm to discuss the crisis of farm land loss and environmental stress of climate change and extreme weather conditions, like those that severely impacted many farms in western Massachusetts earlier in the summer.

Farmer Laura Davis of Hopkinton's Long Life Farm explained the use of no till, soil nutrient, and biological techniques to improve soil carbon sequestration and plant/soil health without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. U.S. Representative Jim McGovern, Mass. Representative Jame Arena-DeRosa, Mass. Dept. of Agriculture Commissioner Ashley Randle, USDA regional staff, and other state staff members were on hand for the educational opportunity.