Our History
Previous Accomplishments
Organized town-wide clean up days
Partnered with Green Team Junk Removal and Eversource on townwide recycling drives
Promoted the Green Communities Act to make Hopkinton eligible for grants
Set up educational booths at Polyarts, Farmers Market, Hop101 and Marathon Day
Presented at Women’s Club Speaker Series and Go Green Event
Collaborated with Planning and Park & Recreation for the award of grants for bike racks in town
Initiated negotiations with property owners for CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) in Hopkinton
Presented to the Planning Board on Leeds rated construction.
Organized a presentation by the Massachusetts Municipal Association for a Home Energy Savings Seminar
Collaborated with the Planning Board Chair on Wind Energy Bylaws
Organized a Green Forum which included presentations by utility companies, government agencies, and private energy providers
Produced a three part written series on recycling and composting which was published in the local media
Worked with high school students to help them with their government class requirements
Organized meetings with local developers and building professionals to guide new sustainable building guidelines for Hopkinton
Co-sponsored a public hearing on the MA building stretch code
Led a Solarize Hopkinton program that promoted solar panels and offered incentives that led to dozens of homes adopting them